Tag Archives: Raleigh police gang stalking is human trafficking

All “skinfolk” ain’t kinfolk…

Meet the Raleigh Police Chief & why she and many other black metro police chiefs (and black people in positions of power, in general) should not be automatically viewed as “success stories”…

Raleigh Police Chief, Estella Anderson, currently overseeing FBI-funded, illegal police gang stalking in Raleigh

Estella D. Patterson was appointed Chief of the Raleigh Police Department on August 1, 2021. As Raleigh’s senior law enforcement official, Chief Patterson leads the capital city’s police department of over 900 sworn and civilian employees. With a goal of making Raleigh the safest city in the nation, Chief Patterson’s priorities are to reduce violent crime, increase community engagement, and increase efficiency and morale throughout the Department.

Before joining the Raleigh Police Department, Chief Patterson served with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department from 1996-2021 in numerous capacities including patrol officer, instructor, recruitment director, Internal Affairs commander, and Patrol Services Deputy Chief. Aside from serving her community as a public safety professional, Chief Patterson served her country as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve from 1996-2005. Her service included combat tours to Kosovo in support of Operation Joint Guardian and to Iraq as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. 

Chief Patterson currently serves as an executive board member and second vice-president of the N.C. Police Executives Association. She is also a Commissioner on the N.C. Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission which regulates the training, certification, and policy making for all police officers in the state of North Carolina.  Additionally, she is a member of the Eastern NC chapter of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE).

Chief Patterson earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and her Master of Science in criminal justice from the University of Oklahoma. She is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and attended the 56th Session of the Senior Management Institute for Police. As a law enforcement professional and dedicated public servant, Chief Patterson’s passions lie in building collaborative partnerships in the community and engaging the youth through positive mentoring initiatives.

I write this after realizing that the adage “all skin folk ain’t kinfolk” is sadly all too commonly true. Further, it has been repeatedly shown throughout history that some of the colonized/oppressed will happily align themselves with their historical oppressors. Some bootlicking black folk have always betrayed the morals/integrity/righteousness of the fight for freedom and autonomy that blacks have been waging for centuries. These types of black folk betrayed other black folk like Touissant L’Overture, betrayed Nelson Mandela, betrayed MLK, betrayed Malcolm X, betrayed Patrice Lumumba..etcetra etcetra…these are the proverbial Judases who would sell their own mothers if the price is I’m not really surprised that Raleigh’s fascist/rogue police department is headed by another so-called black woman. Like many other militarized, brown-shirt-like US police departments today, the Raleigh PD’s gang stalking unit is likely being funded by the FBI/DHS bogus “community policing” grants to ostensibly “fight” terrorism and gang violence. In reality, community policing should really be referred to as “communist policing” since that’s where it originated & those American tax dollars are REALLY used to enlist dumb/brain-dead & programmed civilian dupes who act as police proxy gang stalkers to illegally stalk & follow innocent Targeted Individuals like me who have NEVER been accused of, let alone convicted of ANY crimes.

I’ve said this before, if a black person-male or female, ascends to the head cop position in ANY US police department you can bet they have compromised integrity and morals. I state that unequivocally. We KNOW that historically US police forces were conceived as & actively used as armed and occupying extensions of the government and specifically, as deputized “slave catchers” to bring in & round-up errant, unruly, and runaway enslaved Africans. This was and IS their purpose and always has been. So when you see a black woman advance to the top cop position in a society that in 2024 STILL has the 13th amendment exception clause on the books that pointedly delcares that “chattel slavery” REMAINS legal, then you cannot question where their loyalties lie. And it is NOT with black people. And MOST of them will tell you this themselves: they are no longer allied with BLACK, they are aligned with “the blue”.

Well, then what does that portend for other black women who in the future may also be illegally placed on the TSDB Watchlist by racist/rogue FINANCIALLY-incentivized FBI agents who may just be displaying the “normal” racist proclivities that many in America “law enforcement” embrace, or perhaps they are working at the behest of other rogue US agencies like the CIA/NSA/DoD…the usual suspects I have talked about repeatedly on this blog. It doesn’t matter as to the “why” for me…if a black woman in a position of relative “power” rubberstamps the illegal targeting of others, particularly, women who could look like her, her mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, or daughter–and with no concrete proof or legal reasoning or logic to do so, then that woman is a traitor to not only black folk, but a traitor to freedom-loving humanity as a whole.

That person cannot be trusted to do right by ANYONE and is likely engaged in all manner of criminality, and at the very least, cover-up in other matters. These kind of plantation negroes are generally historically blind, deaf & dumb, and so easily betray the morals and ideals I’m assuming their black parents instilled in them–for expediency and “social climbing” to be the “first negro/negress on my block or the first negro/negress somewhere”, and ultimately, they will betray all who believe in democracy. Apparently, though, there are a lot of Americans who give lip service to democracy, but when they think no one is looking, they really serve the interests of encroaching fascism and the NWO. You can’t SAY you love and support democracy while actively engaging in behavior that betrays it. You are either for democracy or you are not. Or maybe you are like many and believe in democracy for those who look/think/act like you, but for the rest of us? Well, I guess that’s up for debate. Secretly and in the closed chambers of the FISA courts, of course.

Please, tell me how does the use of KNOWN innocent MOSTLY black women for IDF/ADL/Matrix-styled “target practice” by local police and dim-witted, programmed civilian gang stalking proxies, serve the interests of “fighting justice or terrorism”? The short answer is it does NOT. It serves the interests of Big Pharma, illegal & non-consensual experimentation, fascism, imperialism, totalitarianism, settler colonialism, suppression, the stifling of TRUE democracy, and the further erosion of provisional freedom that was never really extended to all black folk in America. And further, it gives credence & legitimacy to those who call America a rabid hypocrite when she boasts of being the “bastion of freedom & democracy”. Raleigh Police Chief Estella Patterson, you most likely would have been the same kind of negress who would have ratted Harriet Tubman out, or Nat Turner, or chastised MLK in his early days as being too “extremist”. You are what Malcolm called a “house ni%%a” and the kind of shucking and jiving negro who likely thinks that to “make it”, the betrayal of the democratic protections of other blacks & marginalized groups and ultimately, what is right…is but a small price to pay. Anyone with any moral compass & a modicum of integrity can easily CHECK the veracity of the lies likely being told about me and other TIs via “community or more accurately, communist policing”. So if you haven’t double-checked the information given to you, it’s because you CHOOSE to turn a blind eye to the truth. And if you’ve done it in THIS case, you’ve likely done it throughout your career.

When I first got to Raleigh, I overheard a cop in a Walmart talk about what I’m now assuming was a superior with the Raleigh Police (could be Police Chief Patterson) acting like they “hit the lottery” when I, a long-time Targeted Individual, came to town…so now I realize that possibly another so-called black woman found joy & glee at the thought of illegally abusing their authority and position to malevolently round up another “uppity” ni%%a who dares to complain about being used as a non-consensual guinea pig for empire? The nerve of me!!! And of Harriet for wanting to be free. Or the women used by J. Marion Sims to further the research of gynecology, for complaining about medical procedures performed without the benefit of anesthesia. Or the black men similarly used for decades by the NIH to study the long-term effects of syphilis–despite the discovery of penicillin, a known cure. Or the assumed complaints that likely would have come from Henrietta Lacks, a black woman whose HeLA cells have made untold fortunes for big pharma while her immediate family reportedly couldn’t even afford health insurance.

No, black women in America are not allowed agency to complain about misuse and abuse. We are expected to shut up and grin and bear it. Or sing about it. Or shimmy to the melody. Or some of us are even “lucky” enough to be used to shut up other black women who haven’t gotten that memo. So I see you, Police Chief Patterson. Clearly.

The main takeaway for me from this experience is that the more things/times change in America, the more they stay the same. But I’m also clear that your karma & the karma of those you do the bidding of will eventually catch up to you. And I will HAPPILY take my place on this side of history–the right side–all day and twice on Sunday because I know all Targeted Individuals will eventually be vindicated and you will reap what you have sown.


Below is the FORMER Indianapolis Metro Police Chief, Randal Taylor, who stepped down from his duties in December 2023 This is the last plantation/cult haven I was police gang stalked from 2022 to 2023, so maybe “someone” is sending me to y’alls neighborhood to get you out of office? I left Indiana in October 2023 & he stepped down in December. So perhaps Taylor had outlived his usefulness? Maybe I’m reaching but the timing is curious, to be sure. However, Raleigh Police Chief Anderson, you could do the right thing now, and take notes from the Oklahoma City Police Department who officially changed their policy, and STOP illegally gang stalking Targeted Individuals simply because the rogue FBI has fraudulently placed our names on the TSDB Watchlist. But that may be too much like right, huh?

Anyway, the below Stephen from Django took an overdue bow, probably not because he lost any sleep on what his gang in blue was doing out on the streets of Indianapolis, but whatever his reasons, I hope it means the marauding hordes of police & paid civilian gang stalkers have been either disbanded or curtailed in Indianapolis for those remaining TIs in the city because I know I wasn’t the only one.

Former Indianapolis Police Chief, Randal Taylor–complicit in police gang stalking of innocents

Another thing that just crossed my mind: isn’t it interesting that like the already decaying neighborhoods blacks historically “inherit” once whites have upgraded to better digs by fleeing to “idyllic” life in outer suburbia, black police chiefs seemingly inherit the same broken police departments that have likely been plagued by long-time, systemic corruption, and infested with gang members, rapists, the violence-prone maladapted, and other assorted psychological cripples cos-playing “officers of the law”. Just for clarity: am I saying there are no “good” cops? What I’m saying is if you want to really help your community & make a difference, becoming a social worker or teacher are likely better options than what passes as “law enforcement” in America today. Plus, if you consider yourself a “good” cop but you knowingly look the other way when your “bad” brethren commit all manner of obvious criminal offenses and human rights abuses and you stay quiet, HOW GOOD are you REALLY?

But back to the dysfunction black police chiefs likely inherit—maybe that’s why systemic corruption continues because more than likely the top cop is going to be chosen from among the rank-and-file police cadre already steeped & primed in this dysfunction. Too bad. I doubt our ancestors and freedom fighters fought & died for black people to end up being just as morally bankrupt as those in positions of power we’ve been fighting against for centuries. If you are just a black jackboot doing the same work and serving the same purpose & interests as those before you, then what good are you except as a tool of empire and oppression? But alas, I’ll end this as I began by restating that “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk“. Thankfully, I now know the difference.

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Posted by on January 31, 2024 in Organized Gang Stalking


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