Tag Archives: Nelson Mandela

CBS Report: 20 Years of the Watchlist…telling who they added. Nelson Mandela? Edward Kennedy? John Lewis? Coincidence they are all “progressive”?

Even in this small peak inside the FBI’s TSDB Watchlist…we see a DISPROPORTIONATE amount of black & brown progressively-minded folk maliciously & willfully added to the list. I was especially interested in the story of NYC Pastor Kaji Dousa, who successfully filed a federal lawsuit and made these rogues take her name off one list only to find out that they likely added her to another “secret” list. AND then they had the nerve to knowingly pass false info to Mexican Federalis implying that she was in Mexico illegally. Wonder if they did that in any of the SE Asian or African countries I was in from 2017 to 2022? Probably.

It’s obvious (to me) that the FBI is partisan & politicized and cannot be trusted to uniformly and fairly carry out US and international laws. Apparently, they think they are above the very laws they freely and deliberately break but supposedly take an oath to uphold. And this shouldn’t be anything new or revelatory to black people. We remember CoINTELPRO & prior to that, the fact that the early FBI incarnation that was the OSS was used to prosecute people like early ‘reparations’ supporter, Calle House, and spied on the NOI and even MLK’s grandfather. So they’ve always been used to surveil, harass, “neutralize”, and even kill black folk they view as a threat. The problem is paranoia can make one see boogeymen where there are none…and guilty paranoia can go even further & make you CREATE boogeymen to justify that psychosis-driven paranoia, racism and fear. Because if there’s one thing historically consistent about the FBI’s history, it’s systemic racism and the ability to only home in on supposed “black extremism” while ignoring the much more entrenched, systemic & historically-documented, white “extremism”. For the former, there is a scorched earth campaign and/or bogus court convictions based on equally fake FBI-concocted “terrorist plots”. And for the latter? Oh, they get put on the FBI payroll as snitches & informants–sometimes to the tune of six-figure yearly salaries.

9/11 it appears was something of a “gift” to this latter sort of internalized national & historically-grounded racist paranoia. When you have done to black folk for centuries what recently all over the news fellow settler colonists have only been doing for a fraction of that time in Gaza…then it makes sense that we’d feature prominently on fascist watchlists like the civil rights-era CoINTELPRO & today’s TSDB. This is predictable and to be expected.

As a result, nobody can tell me that after more than 20 years of likely being deliberately and malevolently added to the TSDB that it was/is an administrative “error or mistake”. Or that it was a result of overzealousness or what the DOJ called “over-reach & sloppiness”. No, I’m sure it’s much simpler than that. Let’s call it what it is and has always been–racist paranoia and abuse of power. Why do I say that? Because the FBI has shown over and over again throughout the years their pernicious proclivity for finding “criminal intent” and “terrorist inclination” particularly, within the black community. Whether they’ve proven it actually exists or not is really beside the point. Because to them, it doesn’t matter whether you have personally proclaimed allegiance to an officially recognized arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, or a Socialist or Communist political party or organization, or whether you simply believe that black people and other dispossessed, oppressed people globally have a GOD-GIVEN right to live freely and autonomously. ANY of this will get you targeted and harassed by fascists and imperialists POSING as ‘democracies” who see & will TREAT YOU as a viable and immediate threat. Because we know the 1st amendment never really applies to black folk. But the 13th amendment sho’ does, doesn’t it? With its “convenient” remaining exception clause that still makes “chattel slavery” legal in the US. Funny how that worked out.

The only positive things I can say about this whole experience is that it made me realize how psychologically strong I am in the face of persecution, and that strength makes the weak nature of most men & women I come into contact with daily even more glaring and contemptible. And I’m also good knowing that my name is on the same banned lists that featured the likes of moral giants like Nelson Mandela, and I’d bet if MLK was alive today his name would also appear on the TSDB. These facts steel my conviction and I know I will be recorded on the right side of history. And among the righteous–which in no way means perfect. But even at my absolute worst, I stand head and shoulders above the power-mad miscreants who have arrayed the forces of an integrity & morally challenged global criminal network against those like me. But I have NO regrets about being on this side of the equation. Being targeted by a criminal syndicate for telling the TRUTH says much more about that syndicate than it does about me.

And I know one day in the near future—unlike the tortured, hypocrite & OG Hooverette, J. Edgar, my story will be revealed as true as I have written it over the years, and my name, will be lauded in the future. And the fascist FBI agent(s) who have assisted in this gross miscarriage of justice for over 20+ years will be pilloried and looked at with the public derision they have so rightly earned. Just as all the weak-minded Nazi SS Officers and everyday Germans who so enthusiastically went along with “official policy” and “were just doing their job(s)”. They will be judged by actual BEHAVIOR and not based on systemic racism, water-carrying & cover-ups for US government agencies like the CIA/NSA/DoD, couched in bogus claims of “national security”.

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Posted by on December 22, 2023 in META/FBI illegal online surveillance & tracking, Organized Gang Stalking, the new tuskegee experiment, U.S. Government Crimes Against Humanity


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