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Richard L. Cain again…

Cain V. Department of Defense 2014

Posted onAuthorEric Karlstrom4 Comments

On July 23, 2014 Richard L. Cain filed a lawsuit against the Department of Defense; United States Central Intelligence Agency; Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command; the United States Army Research Material Command- and private individuals. Siting them to be in conspiracy to violate his 4th, 5th, 14th, and 8th Amendments. For unreasonable search and seizure; violation of due process; and cruel and unusual punishment.

Preliminary statement #1 records that an “…evolving criminal conspiracy perpetrated by: the DoD and its components… and its defense subcontractors, who authorized, funded, conspired, and concealed the fact that the Plaintiffs are human research subjects… covertly and nonconsensually implanted with (BIONI) and (MEMS) submillimeter and millimeter prototype military grade biomedical devices… (violating) …the Bill of Rights as Amended into the Constitution of the United States. Defendants’ devices are Radiofrequency (RF) controlled and powered… capable of data collection, human research, surveillance, behavior modification, and many other heinous crimes.”

In Preliminary Statement: Cain and his two young children were illegally implanted with these devices; while at dental and medical facilities that receive money/grants from the DoD under written contract. In #2 of Preliminary Statement; Cain notes the nanotechnology devices used are legally manufactured, but were illegally implanted without consent. Cain writes these devices electrically stimulate muscles and ‘other body parts,’ for behavior modification and mind control. Cain notes in the Introduction of his lawsuit, that National Security Letters (NSL’s) and phone calls to medical establishments stop the nanotechnology being removed (when they are able to be,) from the Plaintiffs bodies when Cain requests them to be taken out.

Cain writes in #4 of the lawsuit Introduction that the most “…barbaric implants have been discovered (through X-rays and CAT scans listed as evidence in the lawsuit,) in the skull and brain of the Plaintiff, and are known in the biomedical community as “Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) devices. …All of the devices have been traced back to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland.”

Cain writes in the lawsuit Introduction #10 that many of the illegally implanted devices can deliver biological agents, including hormones, and can provide “visual and auditory biofeedback data.”

Introduction #11 sites DoD sought out neighbors to surveill Cain’s family, “… the Defendants, deputized neighbors, and rouge government agents (to) communicate with the implanted (RF) controlled device(s) in excess of 200 feet or more.”

#12, recorded military devices found inside Cain and his two children are- “… microtransducers, transmitters, coils, transducer-telemeters, stimulating metallic electrodes, power receivers, control circuitry, digitizer, telemetry circuitry, and other unknown biomedical devices, and all of them assist in the primary purpose of data collection, tracking, and human research related surveillance.”

The DoD is allowed to use these electrical devices in consensual patients in the Neural Prosthesis Program and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke- to stimulate neuromuscular function in paralyzed muscles for limb movement.

Introduction #13 sites- this is why his children get little sleep due to uncontrolled limb movements, pain and distressed breathing in their beds at night.

Richard L. Cain is a U.S. citizen born in Chicago, Illinois. He has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with Pre-Law Minor from California State University, Los Angeles (2006) and a Masters of Law in International Taxation and Finance from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2012. Cain never served in the military or stepped foot outside the U.S. and wonders why 24/7 unwarranted alleged domestic counter-terrorism tactics are being used against him and his African American family.

High blood pressure was manufactured in Cain, and asthma in his children- both medical issues abundant in the black community. #16, sites Caucasian physicians, surgeons and rogue government agents “… seem to have the “Willie Lynch Syndrome…” because these medical practitioners never reveal the “… obvious implanted biomedical (RF) devices which appear in the X-rays, CT scans and MRI’s…” Cain notes that “… Defendants’ scheme also involves labeling the (RF) devices as being lymphomas, artifacts, fatty tissue, and any other medical term that will allow them to mask their illegalities.” All private individuals and their medical establishments are named in his lawsuit.

Introduction #38, records Cain’s child born in 2006 had X-rays show submillimeter and or millimeter nanotechnology (RF) microstimulators in his body. But Cain’s doctors say the X-ray (exhibit 7) was ‘normal.’ Many doctors conspired to conceal these devices.

#70 in lawsuit sites one subcontractor of the DoD disseminated false information and defamed Cain’s character alleging his involvement in criminal activity by calling a family member. There were also numerous sirens of emergency vehicles constantly going off around the Plaintiffs house to cause fear while Cain was working to find out what had been done to his family. #78 records one doctor fraudulently changed medical records. This same doctor attempted to claim that the Plaintiff was ‘mentally ill’ when Cain reported strange medical symptoms.

IV. #83 asserts that Cain was slated for a murder-by heart attack or diabetes. And his children initially implanted at birth and subsequent dental and doctor visits.

V. #88 sites Cain describing “… jolt to the left temple area of his head.” Exhibit 9 shows true copy of 2011 MRI of Plaintiffs skull.

#93, notes a 4-4-2004, x-ray said to be normal- however Plaintiff later found out the x-ray showed “…implant leads on the inside of his body and extending downward from his ears to his chest and wrapping around the left side of his body and ending in his back.” Some leads or wires noted in x-ray penetrate the left and right sides of Cain’s heart and are impossible to remove. Exhibit 11.

In Plaintiff’s child born in 2007 x-rays show submill/millimeter devices implanted or injected into aorta, which cannot be removed. Exhibit 12.

Cain notes Santa Barbara Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, American Ambulance, Fire Department all stalked, tracked and intimidated Plaintiff everywhere he traveled- including aircraft. Cain writes, “Plaintiff ignored their actions, as he knew that he was an innocent man which had not engaged in any type of criminal activity.” Siting the DoD and its subcontractors “… objective was to disseminate misinformation and lies in order to further alienate and isolate Plaintiff so that he could not reach out to anyone for help to combat horrific events that he was being subjected too. … Defendants merely used law enforcement to intimidate, harass, and collect very important research data relating to the Plaintiff’s responses to their tactics and experiments.”

#138, reports the desired outcome of such torture is to drive “… the subject crazy, induce medical conditions, induce mental illness, and or induce physical aggressiveness. … causing one to be jailed or placed in a mental institution.” Cain notes once subject is jailed or institutionalized they are discredited, allowing the DoD to continue their domestic-counter-terrorism tactics on other ‘persons of interest.’

#140 sites DoD and their subcontractors as commandeering neighbors homes, apartments, buildings and other structures “… in the name of “National Security” in order to gain close proximity to the Plaintiffs/research subject to inflict the maximum pain.” Cain attempted to stay in hotels to escape torture but realized, “… he was not safe anywhere.”

#146 records DoD used RF devices to “… administer harmful electrical shocks and pulsations to plaintiffs…” A videotape of Cain’s children being triggered during sleep is Exhibit 27.

When Cain sought legal help, National Security Letters and phone calls went out to prospective lawyers stating any support to the Plaintiff would, “… constitute “material support” to the enemy or terrorism.” The Plaintiff writes that he and his children have “… never conspired against the United States…” or could be identified as “… a lone wolf, terrorist or person(s) of interest.”

Cain writes that in 1977 a U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found illegal CIA activities concerning human biomedical research on non-consenting U.S. citizens resulted in the deaths of many Americans. #159 asserts that to date no U.S. government researcher has ever been prosecuted for non-consensual human experimentation.

#197 declares the DoD have Cain and his children in a “… prolonged and indefinite form of “virtual” imprisonment, detention and or improper designation… in violation of Federal statutory and Constitutional law.”

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Posted by on November 28, 2023 in Organized Gang Stalking


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